
Monday, 10 October 2016

Start Writing Fiction - Week 1 Revisited (Oct 2016)

Review the notes you’ve collected in your notebook to find a character to develop further.Write a short character sketch – no more than 200 words – in which you concentrate on appearance and any particular mannerisms you noted.

The Girl on the Train
She had an attractive, youthful, chubby face. Her honey blonde curls tumbled in a pleasant disarray. Perhaps a student? Probably late teens. She had a small, gold ring in the left nostril (almost apologetic rather than defiant). By her side was a large, well stuffed rucksack. She was careful not to make eye contact with anyone else in the carriage, keeping her gaze down - her earbuds delivering the soundtrack to her morning. She suddenly became aware that the train had stopped and jerked her gaze round, anxiously looking for a station name on the platform. A throng of people obscured the signs.
‘Do you know what station this is?’ she asked in a slight panic.
‘Friedrichstrasse’ I replied.
She sprang up immediately, grabbed her rucksack and rushed towards the door. Something fell onto the floor – her purse I think. I bent down to assist but she quickly scooped it up herself and dashed out – just in time. 
On the platform, as the train slowly pulled away, she looked up, smiled and gave a tiny wave of thanks. I smiled back. A nice moment.

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